List Your Shooters: Part VII

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  • 2tonic

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    Apr 14, 2011
    N.W. Disillusionment
    Yeah and quit pestering me in the IMs. I sold my F-15 months ago.
    Why didn’t you mark it sold? I’ve been waiting for the price to go down.
    I’ve heard that about him
    Bless you!

    Dear Mr. Douglas,
    How would you like a jen-u-wine fur lined parachute pack, to compliment your newly acquired F-15.
    I can tell you are a discerning man of taste, and distinction, who can fully appreciate the inner need for, and social status that comes from, owning such an rare example of American craftsmanship and in-jen-u-ity.
    I just happen to have such an exclusive item on my truck, and would gladly let you have it for the small price of $213.85, or four easy payments of $71.18, if you act today.
    Yours in commerce,
    Mr. Haney


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    Jun 2, 2011
    Dear Mr. Douglas,
    How would you like a jen-u-wine fur lined parachute pack, to compliment your newly acquired F-15.
    I can tell you are a discerning man of taste, and distinction, who can fully appreciate the inner need for, and social status that comes from, owning such an rare example of American craftsmanship and in-jen-u-ity.
    I just happen to have such an exclusive item on my truck, and would gladly let you have it for the small price of $213.85, or four easy payments of $71.18, if you act today.
    Yours in commerce,
    Mr. Haney
    Gabor approved.
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