List Your Shooters: Part VII

The #1 community for Gun Owners in Indiana

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  • Cameramonkey
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    May 12, 2013
    Camby area
    I've been busy the last few days so I missed out.

    For all the new guys/gals and the ones suddenly with the urge to make it to the classifieds--just stop. Pay your Site Supporter subscription or find a thread where you can actually make meaningful contributions to the site. When you run, you'll be found out and you will get clipped. We promise.
    Late to the game, but I have this to add:

    If a mod PMs you and tells you that you need to do something, you cant just not open the PM and think you're good because you didnt read it here in your inbox.

    We'll still ruin your day and make you follow the rules anyway.


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    May 22, 2022
    In the corn and beans
    Late to the game, but I have this to add:

    If a mod PMs you and tells you that you need to do something, you cant just not open the PM and think you're good because you didnt read it here in your inbox.

    We'll still ruin your day and make you follow the rules anyway.
    ****, you mean I have to open all those little envelope thingies. Always thought if my head was in the hole in the sand nothing was happening.:wallbash:
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