Pickup truck guys, need some help

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  • phylodog

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    Mar 7, 2008
    I unintentionally attempted to forcefully remove the tailgate from my Ram this afternoon. Fortunately the gate was down when I snagged it so the rest of the truck appears to be unharmed but the tailgate is a gone'r. I don't have the money to replace it with a nice one and this one isn't going to be worth repairing so I figured I'd see if anyone else has found something decent. I don't have a 5th wheel or gooseneck in my 2500 so while it would be silly to have one of those drop tailgates, it would be a better option than nothing. I'm not opposed to the cargo net type (knowing it'll likely hurt economy) but I don't want to buy a cheap universal fit hunk of crap that'll sag and look like garbage let alone be incapable to securing anytihng but itself.

    Anyone aware of any decent options out there? I'll probably keep one eye on the FB marketplace just in case a good used one pops up in the right color but I'm guessing I'm not going to have a regular tailgate for some time.


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    Aug 18, 2011
    Southside Indy
    I unintentionally attempted to forcefully remove the tailgate from my Ram this afternoon. Fortunately the gate was down when I snagged it so the rest of the truck appears to be unharmed but the tailgate is a gone'r. I don't have the money to replace it with a nice one and this one isn't going to be worth repairing so I figured I'd see if anyone else has found something decent. I don't have a 5th wheel or gooseneck in my 2500 so while it would be silly to have one of those drop tailgates, it would be a better option than nothing. I'm not opposed to the cargo net type (knowing it'll likely hurt economy) but I don't want to buy a cheap universal fit hunk of crap that'll sag and look like garbage let alone be incapable to securing anytihng but itself.

    Anyone aware of any decent options out there? I'll probably keep one eye on the FB marketplace just in case a good used one pops up in the right color but I'm guessing I'm not going to have a regular tailgate for some time.
    Got any vehicle salvage yards in your area? If so, you might be able to call around and see if they have one. Of course it would probably be a crap shoot as to color.


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    Mar 7, 2008
    Worst part is not being able to have my custom commemorative emblem on the truck.


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    Jan 17, 2009
    Try LKQ…



    Guns & Pool Shooter
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    Aug 13, 2013
    Indy Northside `O=o-
    IIRC, having the net style tailgate actually improves fuel economy. Mythbusters tested it.
    No, they proved actually it hurts your mileage. With the tailgate up, there is a vortex that forms right behind the cab window and forces the air to flow up and over the bed and out.

    With the tailgate down or gone that Vortexx never forms in the air flow goes down into the bed, hurting your coefficient of displacement.

    The Test
    After 300 miles there didn't appear to be much difference in the gas consumed, but after 500 miles Adam (tailgate down) ran out of gas. Jamie made it another 30 miles before he ran out of gas. This result was the exact opposite of the myth.

    Water tunnel visualization
    According to the experts, a circular pillow of air forms behidn the cab of the truck when the tailgate is up. This "separated bubble"/"locked vortex flow" keep the faster moving air from contacting the truck, and thus reduces drag. With the tailgate down, the bubble breaks down and is no longer able to keep the fast moving air out, increasing drag.


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    Oct 3, 2012
    Yeah, nothing on the used side, sorry. Maybe call Zore's in the morning?

    Looks like a new shell is $500-$600.

    I don't know anything about the plastic mesh ones or the like.


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    Dec 18, 2018
    In the country, hopefully.
    Man sorry to hear this.

    I bought one for an 02 F250, color matched and everything for some unbelievable price off eBay or somewhere. 200 bucks or something.
    It was the most stout heaviest duty tin foil I had ever seen. You get what you pay for, the middle of the road aftermarket is ok but a truck as nice as yours is should get a used OEM and then painted.


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    Aug 18, 2011
    Southside Indy
    Man sorry to hear this.

    I bought one for an 02 F250, color matched and everything for some unbelievable price off eBay or somewhere. 200 bucks or something.
    It was the most stout heaviest duty tin foil I had ever seen. You get what you pay for, the middle of the road aftermarket is ok but a truck as nice as yours is should get a used OEM and then painted.
    You overpaid. Heck, my rear bumper on my truck is mostly chrome colored duct tape. Works great! :thumbsup: I don't see why it wouldn't work as a temporary tailgate.


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    Apr 10, 2013
    Howard County
    I unintentionally attempted to forcefully remove the tailgate from my Ram this afternoon. Fortunately the gate was down when I snagged it so the rest of the truck appears to be unharmed but the tailgate is a gone'r. I don't have the money to replace it with a nice one and this one isn't going to be worth repairing so I figured I'd see if anyone else has found something decent. I don't have a 5th wheel or gooseneck in my 2500 so while it would be silly to have one of those drop tailgates, it would be a better option than nothing. I'm not opposed to the cargo net type (knowing it'll likely hurt economy) but I don't want to buy a cheap universal fit hunk of crap that'll sag and look like garbage let alone be incapable to securing anytihng but itself.

    Anyone aware of any decent options out there? I'll probably keep one eye on the FB marketplace just in case a good used one pops up in the right color but I'm guessing I'm not going to have a regular tailgate for some time.
    There is an auto salvage place on hwy 31 just west of Arcadia. Another one on hwy 19 near Amboy north of you. I got a tailgate at the latter for my Ram when a limb fell on the original and bent the crap out of it.


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    Mar 7, 2008
    Yeah, nothing on the used side, sorry. Maybe call Zore's in the morning?

    Looks like a new shell is $500-$600.

    I don't know anything about the plastic mesh ones or the like.
    Unfortunately I didn't get the outer shell. The corner of the edge of the front end loader bucket hooked the edge of the tailgate right where the top of the locking mechanism sits and crushed it in. It was the driver's side which isn't supposed to come off until the other side has been, so it ripped the lower hinge socket to shreds as well.

    My only complaint with my tractor is the fuel cap is on top of the hood. With my shoulders I have to pull it up close to the tailgate of the truck and use it to fuel up. Did so and was looking behind me when I started back having already looked and saw that it was clear, had the wheels been perfectly straight. Sometimes the ridiculously tight turning radius on a tractor is wonderful and sometimes it's something less than wonderful as I learned today.

    I'm thankful the damage was limited to the tailgate. The way that truck was rockin when I turned my head back around I was convinced the bed was going to be dorked up.
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