NWI INGO General Thread #27 - Fresh Pink Air On US-30 smells like...

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  • melensdad

    Rating - 94.7%
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    Apr 2, 2008
    Far West Suburban Lowellabama
    The more and more I look into our food…. The ingredients and processes the deeper I go the worse it gets. And people wonder why cancer and such is so prevalent…

    I’m just unsure what the answer is. Because even the “expensive” stuff at Whole Foods and such get chemicals sprayed on them. Yeah they have the .guv “organic” certified chemicals not sure I trust that…..

    I have done a really good job replacing meat. We haven’t bought meat in about 8 years now. But I am an absolute failure at gardening.
    I used to eat lots of canned or processed foods. But like you WFT are they putting in our food??? My gardening is somewhat limited. I can very successfully grow pickling cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes and peppers. Pretty much anything else and I am wasting my time.

    I do still enjoy Red Hots and Chicago Style Polish Sausages. Eat too many of those.

    But my "go to" meal is MEAT. My comfort food is a tender chuck roast. Once a week I take a 3# chuck roast, seared in cast iron. After the meat is browned on both sides I dump some celery, mushrooms, sweet peppers, onions and diced tomatoes in there. Veggies vary by what we have available.

    I don't add any liquids, gravy mix, etc. As they veggies cook down they create their own gravy. I will add about 2 tablespoons of a mild pepper sauce for flavor. In the oven for 4 hours at 300(F). A 3# chuck will make me 4 good lunches. Or 2 meals for the family.


    Da PinkFather
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    Oct 27, 2008
    NWI, North of US-30
    The more and more I look into our food…. The ingredients and processes the deeper I go the worse it gets. And people wonder why cancer and such is so prevalent…

    I’m just unsure what the answer is. Because even the “expensive” stuff at Whole Foods and such get chemicals sprayed on them. Yeah they have the .guv “organic” certified chemicals not sure I trust that…..

    I have done a really good job replacing meat. We haven’t bought meat in about 8 years now. But I am an absolute failure at gardening.
    The 20th century in the USA saw the rise of the food and pharmacy industry to ensure the food you eat does not fill you up and makes you sick in the long run so you eat more of it to "fill up" and go on drugs to correct the issues you now have.

    jedi does not like Europe but older sis comes and goes from over there a lot. She amd BIL say they notice the difference in food and food portions when they are over there. The food is smaller but u eat and u r full for longer.

    They are not your local tourist either. Stay in air bnb or small mom and pop 1 room rentals in smaller cities or towns. Cook their own stuff from the local martets/stores as well and spend 2 to 4 months at a time out there.


    Rating - 100%
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    May 5, 2012
    I used to eat lots of canned or processed foods. But like you WFT are they putting in our food??? My gardening is somewhat limited. I can very successfully grow pickling cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes and peppers. Pretty much anything else and I am wasting my time.

    I do still enjoy Red Hots and Chicago Style Polish Sausages. Eat too many of those.

    But my "go to" meal is MEAT. My comfort food is a tender chuck roast. Once a week I take a 3# chuck roast, seared in cast iron. After the meat is browned on both sides I dump some celery, mushrooms, sweet peppers, onions and diced tomatoes in there. Veggies vary by what we have available.

    I don't add any liquids, gravy mix, etc. As they veggies cook down they create their own gravy. I will add about 2 tablespoons of a mild pepper sauce for flavor. In the oven for 4 hours at 300(F). A 3# chuck will make me 4 good lunches. Or 2 meals for the family.
    I feel moderation is the main thing. I eat junk food too


    Rating - 94.7%
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    Apr 2, 2008
    Far West Suburban Lowellabama
    The 20th century in the USA saw the rise of the food and pharmacy industry to ensure the food you eat does not fill you up and makes you sick in the long run so you eat more of it to "fill up" and go on drugs to correct the issues you now have.

    jedi does not like Europe but older sis comes and goes from over there a lot. She amd BIL say they notice the difference in food and food portions when they are over there. The food is smaller but u eat and u r full for longer.

    They are not your local tourist either. Stay in air bnb or small mom and pop 1 room rentals in smaller cities or towns. Cook their own stuff from the local martets/stores as well and spend 2 to 4 months at a time out there.
    Well we now know that Jedi's sister got ALL the brains in the family.

    And we used to go to Europe for a month+ at a time and eat/travel like that. Pretty much everything you eat there is freshly made, killed or picked. From the breads to the meats to the veggies. Everything is fresh except for the sardines. But even their canned sardines, tuna, etc are much better than the mass market stuff we get here.

    I feel moderation is the main thing. I eat junk food too

    I also agree with moderation. But I now generally stay away from carbs, especially white sugar and/or highly processed foods that are carb heavy. I don't eat KETO but I do try to stay under 100grams of carbohydrates a day. KETO would be under 50grams.

    Yesterday I was probably around 50grams for the day. Just worked out that way. Some fresh tomatoes and 1 hot dog bun. So probably close to 50.


    Da PinkFather
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    Oct 27, 2008
    NWI, North of US-30
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