Harris says she owns a gun

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  • Super Bee

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    Nov 2, 2011
    Fort Wayne


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    Oct 21, 2018
    Ripley County
    So…the possible future anti-gun POTUS says her, and the possible future VP own guns. To us on INGO that may not be a big deal. But the reason why may be, only that, “why.” What gun? What for? If a handgun, is she a target sportsman? Is it for self defense? If a long gun, for sport or self defense?

    Don’t know if she is coming to Indiana pre election, but if she does, someone should be there to ask her.

    If I find she will stump Indiana, I will definitely be calling the news sources in that area and lobby for them to ask her that very question. Just a thought.
    She never said what kind. I wouldn't put it past her having a water gun laying around as a gun.
    Or her husband has a caulking gun.
    I made sure both were blue to make @MindfulMan happy.


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    May 22, 2022
    In the corn and beans
    Sorry for so late being back in, but I got no little bell thingies telling me my post had replies.

    I think she is just another hypocrite politician grasping for votes. Just like the rest of the career politicians, or career wanna be’s. Truly, there is no difference in either party, they are all a bunch of -politely, hookers-. Don’t want to anger the mods.

    Gotta go with “the gun in a box on a closet shelf “. No training other than passing the Commifornia test requirements.

    Still, will keep watch on her stumping schedule. I will if she comes to Indiana push for the news services covering to ask the question.


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    Aug 21, 2013
    First off, that's not so hard to believe. those people are the kings of "I can do it, but you can't."

    Secondly, HER... with a firearm? That's kinda scary.
    Maybe it IS time we talk about some common sense background checks on who can & who can't.
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