AmericaAgain Declaration

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  • RAnderson

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    Jan 2, 2009
    The AmericaAgain! Declaration

    Home > The AmericaAgain! Declaration

    The AmericaAgain! Declaration

    We the People of these United States
    declare that our Republic was founded as a union of sovereign States; that the compact ratified by twelve States in 1788 remains the entire grant of powers that We the People allowed to national government; That a solemn regard for the natural rights of Life, Liberty and Private Property granted by Our Creator demands that we remind our civil governments that no man acting with consent of another can remove these God-given rights as they have done; That ancestry and posterity compel us as free citizens of these sovereign States to secure these rights, to begin enforcing our national compact before a watching world; thus do We, the People of these United States, declare that:
    Whereas We the People of these 50 States of America were the creators of the Constitution for the United States of America; and
    Whereas the three branches of federal government are creatures — things created by us in the U.S. Constitution; and
    Whereas the national Constitution is the highest and most basic Law of the Land throughout this Republic so uniquely blessed by God among all nations; and
    Whereas it is the duty of all members of the U.S. Congress, and of every U.S. administration, and of the U.S. federal judiciary, and of all federal armed forces, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution for the united States of America; and
    Whereas in that Law, We the People clearly enumerated and limited the powers of the federal government and retained any powers not specifically enumerated therein, to ourselves and our sovereign States; and
    Whereas any exercise of power by federal government beyond those listed powers is and has been a violation of the Supreme Law of the Land; and
    Whereas President Jefferson said that “in questions of powers...let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution”; and
    Whereas such “binding down” can be peaceably effected by binding the federal purse and by We the People and Sovereign States enforcing that Law of Limitation for the first time in the history of our Constitution; and
    Whereas the present $3,600,000,000,000 annual federal revenue has spawned a brood of corruptions as unlimited sums of money always do, the ocean of D.C. cash now funding unconstitutional federal powers, cabinet departments, agents, agencies, programs, projects, offices, and regulations that for sheer number are impossible to list here, but that threaten our livelihoods, liberties, property, and posterity; that make a standing joke of our Law of the Land; and that make fair game out of the people of foreign lands; and
    Whereas Mr. Jefferson also wrote in the Kentucky Resolution that, "...the several States composing the United States of America, are not united on the principles of unlimited submission to their General Government; but that by compact under the style and title of a Constitution for the united States and of amendments thereto, they constituted a general government for special purposes, delegated to that government certain definite powers, reserving each State to itself, the residuary mass of right to their own self Government; and that whensoever the general government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force: That to this compact each State acceded as a State, and is an integral party, its co-States forming as to itself, the other party: That the government created by this compact was not made the exclusive or final judge of the extent of the powers delegated to itself, since that would have made its discretion and not the Constitution, the measure of its powers; but that as in all other cases of compact among parties having no common Judge, each party [sovereign State] has an equal right to judge of itself, as well of infractions as of the mode and measure of redress." ; and Whereas Mr. Madison concurred, saying “The States, then, being the parties to the constitutional compact, and in their sovereign capacity, it follows of necessity that there can be no tribunal above their authority to decide...whether the compact made by them be violated; and consequently that as the parties to it, they must themselves decide...such questions as may be of sufficient magnitude to require their interposition.” and
    Whereas in Federalist #28, Alexander Hamilton asserted the obvious right of We the People to constrain federal tyranny, saying that "The whole power of the proposed government is to be in the hands of the representatives of the People. This is the essential and, after all, only efficacious security for the rights and privileges of the People...(I)f the representatives of the People betray their constituents, there is no resource left but…self-defense...”; and
    Whereas Mr. Hamilton reminded us that as long as we understand basic civics and our rights as the creators of the federal government – and as long as we are willing to stop the corrupt government in its tracks, we can prevail: "the larger the American population would become, the more effectively we can resist federal government tyranny...The obstacles to usurpation and the facilities of resistance increase with the increased extent of the (body of citizens), provided the citizens understand their rights and are disposed to defend them. The natural strength of the people in a large community, in proportion to the artificial size of the government, is greater than in a small..."; and
    Whereas, Mr. Hamilton saw, as did Mr. Madison, the dangers of a wayward or tyrannical State or national government, Mr. Hamilton made it clear that the sovereign People would be the deciding factor in either case, saying, "Power being almost always the rival of power, the general government will at all times stand ready to check the usurpations of State governments, and these will have the same disposition towards the general government. The People, by throwing themselves into either scale, will infallibly make it preponderate. If their rights are invaded by either, they can make use of the other as the instrument of redress..."; and,
    Whereas Mr. Hamilton, in attempting to sell the American People on the proposed U.S. Constitution, offered this very remedy in case we should ever reach this point of systemic corruption in all branches of the national government, saying, "The State governments will...afford complete security against invasions of the public liberty by the national authority...possessing all the organs of civil power, and the confidence of the People, they can at once adopt a regular plan of opposition, in which they can combine all the resources of the community. They can readily communicate with each other in the different States, and unite their common forces for the protection of their common liberty.”; and
    Whereas this is precisely the goal of the AmericaAgain! project, to make good on the 'warranty' that We The People were offered before our forefathers signed that national compact; and
    Whereas all three branches of our federal creature have ceased to check-and-balance one another, instead colluding as perfect co-tyrants over the past 150 years; using the “necessary and proper” and “general welfare” clauses in the Constitution, they have conspired to build themselves a wonderland of pork, power, and perquisites in violation of the Constitution’s enumerated powers; and
    Whereas James Madison, the consummate authority on our Constitution in his Report on the Virginia Resolutions made clear that if such a camel entered America’s tent, it would be a violation of law of the first order: “…it is evident that there is not a single power whatever, which may not have some reference to the common defense or the general welfare; nor a power of any magnitude which, in its exercise, does not involve or admit an application of money. The government, therefore, which possesses power in either one or other of these extents, is a government without the limitations formed by a particular enumeration of powers. Consequently, the meaning and effect of this particular enumeration is destroyed by the exposition given to these general phrases…Congress is authorized to provide money for the common defense and general welfare. In both, is subjoined to this authority an enumeration of the cases to which their power shall extend…a question arises whether (any) particular measure be within the enumerated authorities vested in Congress. If it be, the money requisite for it may be applied to it; if it be not, no such application can be made.”; and
    Whereas Mr. Madison, the foremost human authority on the U.S. Constitution of which he was the chief author, said in that same report that, “it is incumbent in this, as in every other exercise of power by the federal government, to prove from the Constitution, that it grants the particular power exercised.”; and
    Whereas the plain fact is beyond dispute, that Congress and presidents for over 150 years have violated the highest law in America in precisely this way, innumerable times – at a total cost of tens of trillions of dollars, and the further cost of our liberty, privacy, and rights to property and peaceful self-government; and
    Whereas another fact, equally plain and beyond dispute is that when a government of, by, and for The People stands in perennial, collusive violation of the Constitution, We The People have constitutional authority to take enforcement action on our own initiative in a peaceful, lawful manner; and
    Whereas the duty of constitutional law enforcement falls on We the People, not by resisting government's lawlessness with a lawlessness of our own but rather through having the courts of our sovereign States bring law enforcement power to bear as our right and duty under that Law; and
    Whereas all aspirants to Congress implicitly represent to the voters that they understand the Constitution and will enforce it once elected; upon entering office, taking the oath of office stating, "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States...that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same...", by which oath the Constitution requires that they shall be bound; and
    Whereas the President of the United States takes the oath that he “will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution”, with the Constitution imposing upon him the duty that “he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed”, including his own oath of office; and any willful violation of any such oath through treaty, executive order, or exercise of imperial powers is an act of usurpation, tyranny, or both, as well as a violation of every American’s right to a constitutionally legitimate government based upon the consent of the governed; and
    Whereas with respect to compliance with his “Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution”, no public official can ever be allowed to be the judge of his own case, as Presidents Jefferson and Madison observed; and
    Whereas the nefarious practice of ‘executive orders’ is nowhere authorized in Article II of the Constitution, and numerous such executive fiats are demonstrable violations of the limited powers stipulated in said Article II, yet We The People have had no voice in said imperial edicts issued by presidents past and present; and
    Whereas the very same principle holds true for treaties signed by tyrannical presidents under the noses of the American people, and to our clear detriment yet without sufficient popular review before being trundled through the political deal-making in the halls of the U.S. Senate; and Whereas We the People “ordained and established” the Constitution, and a fundamental principle of law is that the power to enact carries with it the final authority to declare the meaning of legislation; and
    Whereas every public official’s oath is made to We the People; the Constitution commands that the official be bound by that oath; thus We the People have the right to enforce that oath and the power to do so as well, for no right can exist without an effective remedy; and Whereas Congressman Henry Hyde, Chairman of the House International Relations Committee, responding to Congressman Ron Paul’s defense of the Constitution’s war powers clauses and opposing George W. Bush’s Iraq Resolution in 2002, made the treasonous assertion apparently shared by most of Congress and a succession of presidents, asserting that “there are things in the Constitution that have been overtaken by events, by time…things that are no longer relevant to a modern society...things that are inappropriate, anachronistic"; and
    Whereas We the People know that reform legislation never proceeds through the halls of the corrupted Congress, but is invariably negotiated away by co-conspirators in Congress; that the corrupt practices of Congress have now infested our State, county, and municipal governments also, as the U.S. Supreme Court suggested in its 1928 Olmsted ruling: "In a government of laws... Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or for ill, it teaches the whole people by its example. Crime is contagious. If the government becomes a lawbreaker, it breeds contempt for law; it invites every man to become a law unto himself; it invites anarchy"; and

    Whereas the U.S. Congress has perennially refused to balance its federal budgets; and
    Whereas the flow of illegal aliens across our borders reached epidemic proportions long ago, yet Congress refuses to seal the borders, instead playing political games with a ticking time bomb against our culture, economy, and civil order; saddling Taxpayers with the cost of socialist programs for illegal aliens, the politicians’ future political pawns. America was always a melting pot Republic with a common language, currency, culture and work ethic, in one generation it has become a polyglot of warring factions seeking an African America or Mexican America; and
    Whereas the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate were intended to be populated by citizen-statesmen for limited terms so that no lifelong political oligarchy would rise up to rule over the 'common people' as is now the case, with members of Congress being wealthy, insular individuals with little affinity with, or empathy for, the average citizen; and
    Whereas members of Congress are in the habit of decrying the opulent lives of corporate CEOs, while shamelessly enjoying the very same opulence – fat pensions, paid insurance premiums, free private spas, limousines, hundreds of millions in new private jets hidden in military acquisition budgets…and much more – all paid for by citizens who will never enjoy such free luxuries ourselves; and
    Whereas the U.S. Congress is explicitly granted the sole authority to "declare War", and to "make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval forces" (Article 1, Section 8), and to control the funding of those same forces, but has heretofore lacked the fortitude to cut off funding for the undeclared, unprovoked foreign attacks and invasions by federal forces ordered by our presidents on pretenses that have often proven false; and Whereas there will always be men in the world whose goal is plunder, to amass insane wealth; and such chieftains buy and trade politicians as game pieces, world without end; it is also a fact that our federal government has no authority to project its military power across the globe on behalf of corporate interests; and
    Whereas, however high gas prices may rise because of the greed of the petrochemical industry, it is illegal for our federal military to plunder foreign resources and threaten foreign peoples who present no threat to us – and then to promulgate the propaganda that the armed forces are only “establishing democracy”; and
    Whereas millions of American families are indoctrinated in false patriotism using that ludicrous and hypocritical excuse, it is manifestly false since We the People of the sovereign States never democratically voted for any such exploit (thus it cannot be democratic), and since democracies are not created by armed invasion; and
    Whereas this century-old U.S. federal military tactic presents a clear and present danger to the internal security of our sovereign States, with militant Islam’s retributive actions increasingly threatening our sovereign States and We The People because as our federal government sends military troops to invade Muslim nations on behalf of these corporate interests, we must expect mothers and fathers to be the same all over the world, caring for their homes and families as we do; and
    Whereas We The People refuse to see our own sons and daughters propagandized into praying for and believing in such mercenary activity as “defending freedom” when in fact it is bald, mercenary corporate plunder and We The People have allowed our federal government’s troops to expand to insane size and to be used by moguls of industry in this mercenary manner for over a century, yet it is clearly mendacious and un-American; and
    Whereas We The People are determined to restore accountability, transparency, integrity, and rule of law to restrain this lawlessness by the U.S. Congress on behalf of those who seek empire over the world, because if the only difference that the United States federal military brings to these conquered lands is corporate logos instead of Arab family crests on storage tanks, wellhead equipment, and mine shaft entrances – We The People of these sovereign States of America will continue to be seen as enemies of the world’s poor; and
    Whereas, Congress is constrained by our U.S. Constitution from establishing any religion, and from interfering with our Christian faith and practice here at home and as relates to other people of the world; yet Congress has long allowed the military-industrial complex to use our presidents and America’s military families as dupes and puppets, casting us citizens as enemies of the world, rather than allowing us to model Christ as we can do if our federal government will leave us alone to do so; and
    Whereas the vast majority of the American people were once Christian indeed, and most Americans still profess Christianity at least in name, and the ‘melting-pot’ American culture that made us the envy of the world was the true ethic of Christ, not that of Mohammed; and
    Whereas under our Constitution it was and is manifestly illegal for Congress to grant a concession for manufacture of our currency to a private banking cartel to which We the People are forced to pay the face value plus interest; and
    Whereas Congress has willfully and knowingly allowed the Internal Revenue Service to perennially violate the federal tax laws, regulations, and its own operating manual, transforming Taxpayers by coercion into pack-mules to carry the financial burdens of their demonstrable crimes and those of the industries who buy their allegiance; and
    Whereas every member of Congress and three successive administrations were hand-delivered extensive packages of evidence that IRS has been violating laws while calling its actions ‘Code enforcement’ – a shameless breach of public trust corroborated by a former IRS fraud examiner, former IRS attorney, former IRS –CID enforcement agent, two former IRS field agents, a former IRS auditor, former IRS Commissioner, and by the Historian of the IRS testifying before the U.S. Senate in 1997; and
    Whereas we refuse to allow Congress to burden us or our future generations with an equally-corrupt 'revenue neutral' flat tax or ‘fair’ tax (so-called) to milk the productive segment but instead demand that Congress allow reduced revenues to limit Washington D.C. to its enumerated powers; and
    Whereas the Second Amendment declares that “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”, and this is the only place in the Constitution where the term “security” appears; and the Second Amendment inextricably links “security” with “a free State”, leaving no place for a centralized, para-militarized police state in America; and
    Whereas the obvious intent of the Second Amendment is for the People ourselves, exercising our right to keep and bear Arms, to provide our own security within our own States through our own well-regulated Militia – yet, Congress has long refused, and continues to refuse, to “provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia”, as the Constitution requires in Article I, Section 8, Clause 16; and
    Whereas, Congress having abdicated that constitutional responsibility, We the People must organize, mobilize, and otherwise bestir ourselves in order to restore “well-regulated Militia” in every State according to constitutional principles, through enactment of State legislation; and Whereas modern reality as opposed to life in colonial times demands that prior and in addition to re-establishing the 'homeland security' assumed in the Constitution, We the People will use unarmed law enforcement,
    Therefore, after our long-term failure to discharge our citizen duties – and bearing the cost of our abdication on every hand – We the People of these fifty sovereign, united States intend to lawfully, peacefully begin enforcing the Constitution in each of the 435 U.S. House districts and in each of our 50 States against its violation by our U.S. congressman and senators, effecting such law enforcement through local AmericaAgain! chapters singly and statewide.
    We the People do hereby demand that those we elected and sent to serve us in the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate:
    1) Publicly reiterate Congress' intention to exercise Subsection (c) of the War Powers Resolution of 1973 without delay in any instance when an administration has initiated foreign hostilities or mobilized the U.S. military without a Declaration of War by Congress, and is unable to prove to Congress beyond reasonable doubt that such mobilization or hostilities are necessary to address a demonstrable threat to We the People and/or our sovereign States; and
    2) Enact legislation that:
    A) Acknowledges the 4th Amendment privacy in the American people’s own persons, houses, papers, email communications, and effects from any and all government surveillance, seizure, or detainment unless preceded by issuance of a specific, bona fide warrant issued on probable cause;
    B) Rescinds all portions of the USA Patriot Acts that violate the liberty and privacy of an American, and makes illegal any optical, electronic, or satellite surveillance and/or tracking of any American citizen or that citizen's property until a warrant is issued upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized;
    C) Makes illegal any biometric tracking of any law-abiding citizen of these 50 States, or any federal government program of biometric or electronic tracking of domestic animals within any State; D) Declares that neither Congress nor any president, nor any federal court, has the power to conscript Americans of any age or condition into involuntary ‘national service’ or servitude of any kind, for any purpose; and
    3) Enact a Lawful American Currency and Banking Act for at least the following purposes:
    A) Declaring that We the People have delegated the power to “coin Money” only to Congress, and have delegated to Congress only the power to “coin Money”, and that Congress lacks any authority to delegate, or to fail, neglect, or refuse to exercise, this power; and
    B) Declaring that the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and all subsequent amendments of that act, are unconstitutional, and have been since their purported enactment, and that the special privileges that now attach to Federal Reserve Notes—to wit, that such notes shall be redeemed in lawful money by the United States Department of the Treasury, shall be receivable for all taxes and other public dues, and shall be legal tender for all debts, public and private—are unconstitutional, and have been since their purported enactment; and
    C) As remedies for these violations of the Constitution, establishing as an alternative to the Federal Reserve System and Federal Reserve Notes, a system of official money consisting solely of silver and gold with ‘dollar’ defined as the Constitution requires: a coin containing 371.25 grains (troy) of fine silver; gold coins to be valued in ‘dollars’ at the prevailing exchange rate between silver and gold in the free market. The alternative money to be produced through immediate free coinage of whatever silver and gold may be brought to the United States Mints and substituted for Federal Reserve Notes as rapidly as maintenance of stability throughout America’s economy will permit, in all financial transactions of the general government; so amending the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 (as amended) that after the effective date of such legislation, the Federal Reserve System shall have no official relationship whatsoever to the general government; that Federal Reserve regional banks shall obtain new charters from the States consistent with the laws thereof, or shall cease doing business as of the date on which the Secretary of the Treasury shall certify that all financial transactions of the general government are being conducted solely in silver and gold; and
    D) Acknowledging that the States have always enjoyed the right as sovereign governments and a duty pursuant to Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution to employ gold and silver coin to the exclusion of any other currency as their medium of exchange in their sovereign functions; that neither Congress, nor the president, nor any court of the general government or of the States, nor any international or supra-national body, nor any private parties have any authority whatsoever to require the States to employ anything other than gold and silver coin for such purposes; and
    E) Outlawing the practice of 'fractional reserve banking', requiring that if any bank or like financial institution that accepts deposits in the normal course of its business, shall be unable to pay all such deposits on demand, then the directors, officers, shareholders, partners, trustees, or other owners and managers (as the case may be) of such bank or like financial institution shall be personally liable and their own personal assets subject to seizure to satisfy such unpaid deposit balances under the laws of the State in which the demand for payment of such balances is made; and
    F) Declaring null and void and imposing criminal penalties and civil damages on any person who purports to enact or enforce any purported tax or financial burden purportedly imposed on any exchange of one form of United States money for another form of money thereof, notwithstanding that the nominal value of one form may be different than the nominal value of the other form involved in the transaction. Such legislation shall apply to Federal Reserve Notes, to base-metallic and debased silver coinage, and all paper currencies of the United States until the date on which the Secretary of the Treasury shall certify that all financial transactions of the general government are being conducted solely in gold and silver; thereafter only as Congress shall determine necessary; and
    4) Repeal the 16th Amendment which has given rise to such gross misrepresentation of the Tax Code and of the legal requirements for taxation, and pass legislation directing IRS to immediately begin obeying the Tax Code to the letter, and to cease the fraudulent application of the Tax Code, and to release all federal prisoners being held on “failure to file” or similarly unsubstantiated charges; and
    5) Enact legislation declaring that the General Government lacks any constitutional authority whatsoever to:
    (A) seize by purported “eminent domain” any private land, or any water, herbage or timber, oil or gas, minerals, or other natural resources in, on, or under such land, within any State for any reason or under any conditions; or
    (B) purchase any private land, or any water, herbage or timber, oil or gas, minerals, or other natural resources in, on, or under such land within any State without the “Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be”; and on the basis of such declarations, repealing or otherwise invalidating all “land-use regulations” and like controls, restrictions, and prohibitions of the General Government that deprive private owners of the full use and enjoyment of their properties pursuant to the laws of the several States; and
    6) Enact legislation pursuant to Congress’s power to “provide for ... arming ... the Militia” in Article I, Section 8, Clause 16 of the Constitution to repeal every statute, administrative regulation, executive order, or other directive with the purported force of law of the General Government, and to preëmpt every such measure, present and future, of any State or subdivision thereof, that infringes on or burdens the right of any citizen of or legal resident alien in any State who is eligible for membership in that State’s Militia to purchase, own, possess, transport, or sell, whether interstate or intrastate, any firearm, ammunition, or related accoutrements suitable for service in a “Militia” as that term is used in the Constitution for the united States; penalizes any individual for his or her use of a firearm in self-defense of himself, herself, or any other individual; infringes on or burdens, except on the same terms as apply to any other business, the right of any person to engage in the commercial design, manufacture, repair, sale and distribution, or other trade or occupation of or involving firearms, ammunition, and related accoutrements; and
    7) Repeal the 17th Amendment and enact an Amendment restoring the original plan of federalism in Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution: election of U.S. senators by their State Legislature by mere plurality, rather than requiring a majority vote to win said elections. We The People intend to restore our U.S. Senate as the deliberative organ of our sovereign States in Congress to check rash, lawless acts of the U.S. House and unconstitutional treaties and executive orders by imperious presidents; and
    8) De-fund and dismantle the U.S. Department of Education and any other federal influence on the minds of We the People and our children, since we granted no right to Washington D.C. to program our minds or to dictate to the States in that regard, since our State governments also lack lawful authority to shape minds – and based on results over the past two generations, lack the competence to instill academic competence; and
    9) Enact an Amendment to the Constitution requiring all federal budgets presented to the president be balanced; and
    10) Enact legislation to begin securing our borders including the existing citizens’ action plans to timely construct the U.S. / Mexico border fence, with all environmental, regulatory, and/or bureaucratic red tape waived such that said legislation may avoid the exorbitant time- and cost overruns common to government projects; and
    11) Enact legislation declaring English as the official language of the United States and including the provisions of Senate Joint Resolution 6, which will end the illegal alien so-called “anchor baby” practice; and
    12) Making any aspect of Muslim law (Shar’ia) null, void, and illegal which attempts to address any issue covered by a federal or State criminal statute, by an ordinance of any American municipality, or by the Bill of Rights contained in the U.S. Constitution or any State Constitution; and
    13) Ceasing all taxpayer funding for the United Nations, and giving the City of New York (24) months to propose to the sovereign People of the 50 States, a plan to charge lease fees and/or royalties to the nations using said facilities such that no United Nations expense shall be involuntarily borne in the future by the American People; and
    14) Enact a Term Limits Amendment to the Constitution limiting terms for all members of Congress to two (2), and abolishing all congressional pensions, retroactively and for the future, for every incumbent and retired member of Congress and abolishing congressional perquisites paid for with public monies including but not limited to limousines, special aircraft use or charter, hairdressers and spas, and insurance premiums; and
    15) Enact legislation imposing criminal penalties on any individual or group within the federal government who, unilaterally or in conspiracy with other individuals, transnational groups, organizations, or foreign governments, attempts to compromise the legal or financial sovereignty or borders of our 50 sovereign States without the specific knowledge and consent of the legislature of each and every State so affected.
    We the People reserve the right to revise and extend the list of federal government arrogations, violations, and usurpations as they are brought to our attention for remediation.
    After almost 150 years of federal abuse and arrogation, We the People have thought ourselves powerless, our creature having amassed a limitless ocean of cash coerced from our honest labor; plunging us into a worse servitude than that which caused our forefathers to rebel against British tyranny, and new laws spawning socialist schemes repugnant to American values. We have thought ourselves having no voice in matters of life, liberty, property, or trillion-dollar rackings of the economy. As the sovereigns and creators of our federal government designed to serve us and our States, we have long acted as its pawns, bereft of hope.
    But no more.
    We the People of these sovereign States of America declare our resolve to enforce the foundational Law of the Land by which we gave birth to a federal government, under which we retained all powers not specifically enumerated to it. We the People, as the highest sovereigns in American government, intend to begin perennially prosecuting our members of Congress who violate the Constitution. Together, We the People will re-tighten the chains of the Constitution’s enumerated powers, allowing no implication beyond the powers specifically enumerated in Articles I, II, and III to our federal government, without our express majority approval after our due deliberation.
    We realize that the present level of public awareness and discourse among We the People is abysmal, yet we do not despise the day of small beginnings. The wheels of State justice may grind slowly in our newly-discovered right to enforce the U.S. Constitution, but this shall not dim our determination to enforce it. We the People will call our own corrupt member of Congress home from building his or her illicit personal estate and doing the bidding of powerful individuals who own him or her behind the scenes. When necessary, we will bring civil and criminal actions. Our plaintiff groups and the defendants will all be citizens of a common State. The Supremacy Clause, and federalism as represented by its proponents Madison and Jefferson, demand that violations of the U. S. Constitution and of a politician’s own State statutes are in exclusive original and appellate jurisdiction of the Courts of the State in which the parties reside. No State being a party to these actions, nothing in the Constitution can be construed to give federal courts any jurisdiction. We the People assert for the record: we will not allow federal government to circumvent criminal laws of our States by pleading that since Taxpayer funds are diverted to U.S. Treasury accounts in Washington, D.C., the matter is thus an interstate issue and falls within federal jurisdiction.
    We the People offer our members of Congress immunity from indictment under one condition: (s)he must, in writing with notarized witness, repent his/her record of support for and/or acquiescence in, the aforesaid violations of the Constitution, and will co-sponsor legislation as outlined above and drafted by the citizens through our AmericaAgain! project; and will support no amendment thereto except as approved by his or her local or State AmericaAgain! chapter should such exist, only after said citizen bod(ies) have had sufficient time to review the amendment before granting approval.
    Rekindling the citizen Militias of the Several States is not a major priority of this new citizen effort; we believe that peaceful action under rule of law is more effective. However, millions of Americans are concerned about the government’s trajectory to disarm law-abiding citizens, which violates the U.S. Constitution. In fact, not one in a hundred Americans realizes that U.S. Code Title 10, Chapter 13, Section 311 states that all able-bodied males who are U.S. citizens ages 17-45 are members of America’s militia, either organized (National Guard) or unorganized militia. This has always been the case, since our colonial era, and the U.S. Constitution demands that federal government provide for State militias to maintain themselves in ready status. We the People will no longer shirk our duty. Believing in peace through strength against enemies foreign or domestic, we will become prepared and armed as free citizens in our own homes so that such arms might never be necessary.
    To reiterate this critical point: we acknowledge the God-given right and the pre-constitutional duty of We the People to be properly armed in our own homes and on our own persons for defense, but this citizens' project is not vigilante action. We are opposed to armed collective action – including public drills, muster, or practice – until such time as our State Legislatures enact Militia legislation as is assumed in the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
    We expect to be fortified by our Grand Juries, Prosecutors, and High Courts of these Sovereign States who will not be intimidated from their duty to enforce the U.S. Constitution though this first true exercise of federalism – the right of the parties to the U.S. Constitution to enforce that Supreme Law’s limitations on national government. With God's help, we hope to learn together, those duties that we have long abdicated. We trust our neighbors who are adept in some areas to guide those of us who are less adept but willing to be our own Citizens' Homeland Security.
    We do not need FEMA’s Orwellian “citizen corps” to care for us; instead, we want government out of our lives! By God’s grace, Americans can meet any challenge presented to our sovereign States and free People.
    We the People of America will not be governed by what other nations may do; even among us sovereign States, we are distinct governments and cultures. In league with all people of the world who want to live in peace without tyranny, we seek to be good stewards of the natural resources that God has entrusted to us, but we neither subscribe to nor wish to be burdened by politically-correct but increasingly disproven claims of scientists whose continued funding depends on whipping citizens into perpetual frenzies that the sky is falling.
    The American work ethic has always opposed the principles of socialism, which has encroached on our lives and institutions for over a century. We trust God's providence for our future, and we do not trust politicians, bureaucrats, and the powerful cabal who have owned them since Lincoln’s time. This tactical project of We the People of these sovereign States shall not be co-opted, overseen, joined, or infested by politicians, lobbyists, or operatives from any level of government or by any political party, foreign or domestic.
    America was founded as a Christian – not Jewish, Muslim, or atheist – nation. Any dispassionate survey of America’s original documents of government, law, economics, and family life prove that America is founded on Christianity, and on no other belief system. Ideas have consequences; not all beliefs produce equally efficacious or humane law, ethics, or economics. We the People seek to keep civil government forever free from theocracy. History illustrates that even self-styled Christians have oppressed and killed in the name of religion, but Mohammedan teachings have the starkest record of bloody oppression once it controls. We seek not to outlaw a belief system, but to outlaw Islam’s strategic plan to infest our States as it has infested some regions of the world.
    We the People will organize in local units as free Americans in the privacy of our homes, businesses, churches, parks, and any other venue that suits us as the Owners and residents of those places. We shall neither plan nor shall we operate in any unlawful, seditious, riotous, rebellious, or terroristic manner, but as is our right as Americans, we shall operate freely, without government oversight, infiltration, or coercion as is common in tyrannical regimes.
    Should our member of Congress refuse to stop violating the law; should (s)he prevaricate, obfuscate, or bloviate as politicians often do, or return to D.C. to conspire anew with like-minded scoundrels and moneyed oligarchs who purchased his/her first allegiance, we will pursue his/her criminal conviction in our State Courts. If (s)he refuses to obey the Supreme Law of the Land, we will seek the longest possible State Penitentiary term. As actual and punitive damages for multi-trillion-dollar fraud and conspiracy, we will have our State Court seize any and all of his/her assets held under any structure whatsoever, in any jurisdiction in the world whatsoever, inuring to the benefit of the member of Congress or his/her family or descendants.
    To any State Grand Jury, State District Attorney, or State Judicial Official that does not appreciate the gravity of these crimes – who refuses, whether by complicity, timidity, coercion, or subornation, to oversee justice under the Constitution – We The People shall seek your impeachment and seat your replacement to enforce the Rule of Law.
    This citizens’ effort called AmericaAgain! has been conceived not by politicians or special interests, but by We the People of these fifty sovereign States of America. Forces of greed and corruption here and abroad have long sought to sunder this last best hope of man on earth, but by God’s grace in this constitutional Republic, even a diligent minority of 'mere' citizens, operating peacefully and lawfully, can restore liberty, property, and rule of law.
    Each member of the U.S. Congress has left a public record to speak for itself in history. By their response to citizens now enforcing the Constitution that they have so long violated, they shall now demonstrate their repentant fidelity – or their ignominious corruption.
    We give thanks to God, and may He bless this formerly godly republic, that we may be AmericaAgain!
    WE THE PEOPLE of these sovereign States of America Thanksgiving Day – November 26, 2009
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